Friday, October 25, 2013

Civilization 2 guide

Civilization 2 : guide 1) Get horseback riding and produce cavaliers, go to village huts & get as much advances + mercenaries as possible 2) Enter in contact with other civilizations, exchange the advances 3) Fortify on territories keylock & define your future territory to colonise, Focus on the main "continent" 4) Always build a road when a settler enters a case ( it'll save so much time later for other units ) 5) Get monarchy then trade, seafaring, bridge building -> Seafaring gets you explorer to explorer every hut ( very useful ) Keep in mind Republic & Democracy are cool but units upkeep & unhappyness factor doesn't suit small colonial cities 6) Build roads between cities, send caravans to the opposite corner of the Map 7) Caravans for trade & build wonders 8) Build Colossus, Copernicus, Isaac Newton College on the city with most tiles + library + university to make a scientific Capital 9) Leadership is nice for conquering others 10) Once you have engineers, locate the ressource patterns, always nice to put an hill instead of grassland ..

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